To nan from Sarah-jane

Created by Susan 3 years ago
My Beautiful Nan,
You are now at peace with your soulmate and our beloved Grandad. I have so many wonderful memories from my younger years with you and Grandad at Thurlow Gardens, us grandchildren seemed to spend so much time with you having sleep overs or when the family got together for card nights. I loved it when myself, Anne-Marie and Dean would stay in the holidays we would have so much fun. You would take us shopping on the High Street and we would go into the shop that was downstairs, it was like a treasure cave, we would each get you a little ornament or trinket and you would put them all in your glass cabinet and say ‘you would keep them forever’ and you did, they were still in your glass cabinet in your Bungalow in Bexhill. You definitely had a bit of a collection. I also remember your lovely biscuit tin, you always had Gold bars they were my favourite.
Another memory that is clear to mind is when you and Grandad came to stay with Mum and Dad, Lucy, Jake and Ellie were so little, they kept you very entertained singing ‘We are family’ over and over again, that was a long afternoon, but you and Grandad sang along as if each time was the first, you were both so patient.
 Nan I could go on and on with the wonderful memories that I have, instead I will keep them close to my heart and cherish them forever. Your passing seems like the end of an era, you will be deeply missed. I will take comfort knowing that you are once again with treasured people. Please give the biggest hug and kiss to my special Dad and to our amazing Grandad. Love you always and forever My Beautiful Nan.